Friday, September 3, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

9 Ways To Develop Your Money Consciousness

9 Ways To Develop Your Money Consciousness

The next paragraphs will enhance further your money consciousness. In more ways than one, these moneymaking thoughts may sound like proverbs, but I find them very encouraging, hence I want to share them with you.

1. Change your thinking habit from earning daily (in small amounts) to earning by transactions or deals (in big amounts). Turn on your money-conscious mind to attract more money into your life. You will learn more of this in the next sections of this book.

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2. No one else will determine your future except yourself. Either you get up or sink down from where you are now. This can be determined on how you mold your thoughts. To be weak or strong, rich or poor, you decide your own fate. The effect of your thoughts eventually affect your life.

3. If you’re broke, that doesn’t mean you’re poor. You may be rich but you may be broke. You see, being broke is short-lived . Being poor is long term. You are broke only for a certain period of time, but being poor without doing anything to alleviate your condition in life makes it permanent.

4. Learn to decide intelligently. It is a must in moneymaking. Practice this trait in small ways and work your way up gradually until you have the courage to apply it in big ways.

5. Take failure as a chance to get smarter and stronger, by learning from it. Don’t let failure defeat you. Get inspired by it and eventually, you will turn up to be a winner.

6. Sometimes, we want others to change their attitudes but we have no control over them. It’s easier to change oneself, if we have self-control.

7. Having more money does not necessarily mean more wealth. Sometimes, more money sinks us deeper to debt. Consider lottery winners who end up where they started after some time because of their compulsive spending and inability to properly manage their money.

8. Learn to master the power of money by having control over it. Once money has control over you, you become a slave to it.

9. Be creative and open to new ideas. Sometimes, we are so used to doing what the majority are doing that we completely close our minds to new ideas. Take for instance on a hot summer day, you will drink something cold to cool you down. You wouldn’t think of drinking something hot because it will make you feel more hot and besides, a cold drink on a hot summer day is the common thing people do. But did you know that drinking something hot on a hot summer day helps to make you perspire and take the heat out of your system thus making you feel cool, although this is not the standard that most people follow? Just what does this have to do with creating wealth? I want to emphasize here that following set rules and procedures, and not deviating from what the majority are doing, discourages creativity. If you need to be different from the majority for the sake of financial success, so be it.

Make it happen.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Does Your Generosity Brings Wealth?

Does Your Generosity Brings Wealth?

Many people think that rich people are selfish, that’s why they have lots of money at hand. This may be true in some cases; however, there are a lot more individuals who are wealthy because they know how to give.
When you give something from your heart without expecting anything in return, you release a powerful force that will trigger your good deed to "bounce" back to you in amazing, and sometimes unusual ways.

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Whenever possible, be generous in giving to others. You will notice that what you receive, or the return, will be more than what you give. As humans, we have the tendency to reciprocate what we receive. But don’t give for the sake of expecting something in return. Give freely from your heart, and the rewards would be greater.
The act of giving can summon the spirit of joy to come into your heart. How would you feel when you've given something to your less fortunate neighbors? Let me tell you that nothing could brighten up a day more than hearing them express their most heartfelt gratitude and seeing their smiles extend from ear to ear.

Giving is also a healthy habit. It could prolong your life by instilling within you an inner sense of peace and accomplishment.
What you give doesn’t necessarily have to be something material. It can also be time, effort, talent, service, or even an affectionate feeling.
Just like all things in life, giving has its limitations. Being too generous can have its toll. Your kindness might be taken advantage of and people might abuse your good intentions. Beware of individuals who are continuously seeking your aid. It's better to teach them how to solve their problems than to always attend to their needs.
As one saying goes ...
"Give them some fish and you'll feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime."

Lastly, here's what I consider the most important rule about giving. Keep your good deeds to yourself. Don't announce to the whole world that you've donated $100,000 to your favorite charity or that you've helped save a child from a life-threatening disease.
If you really desire to give, do it secretly and in private.
Some people would write "anonymous" rather than their own names when they've made a contribution. The universe smiles upon these individuals, and they will get their just rewards in due time.
Consider this: If you are on the giving end, doesn’t it mean that you are in a better position than the recipient? Doesn’t it complement your character?

Make it happen.

Play for a living! Find out how at

Friday, March 12, 2010

Live Chat

How To Buy Luxuries Like The Rich

How To Buy Luxuries Like The Rich

When I was still young, I used to hear the expression: “Live within your means.” I think nowadays, we need to correct this expression by changing “within” to “below.” These days, if we work for somebody or for a corporation, we need to set aside some savings which we can use for a “rainy day.” There is never enough savings, that is why we sometimes find a second job. And this is the reason why we want to improve our lives financially, by getting off the “rat race” and achieving financial freedom.

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Sometimes, we have the uncontrollable habit of buying things we don’t actually need, especially when items are “on sale.” We stock up on things that are “on sale” thinking that we are saving. At first thought, it seems we are, but on second thought, we are actually losing. Foodstuffs get spoiled. Clothes go out of fashion. Appliances’ warranties expire even before they are used. Sometimes, they become defective due to prolonged storage. And new models are introduced which makes what you have on hand, obsolete or phased out. This might probably be the reason why they are “on sale.” If you notice, most electronic appliances are expensive the first time they are introduced and they become cheaper in time.

We stock up on things thinking that a similar opportunity might not come our way the next time. I hate to say this but probably some products are excessively produced on purpose, to be put up “on sale” if not completely sold while regularly priced. To some producers, it’s cheaper to sell at cost or minimum profit than to keep under storage, not to mention expiration dates. This is also one way to promote a product. You see, when people know that a certain product sometimes goes “on sale,” they always have the product on mind. It’s free advertisement at its best. The product makers don’t lose money anyway. On the contrary, they make money.
All too often, even the rich people fall prey to this kind of promotion. The poor and middle class would say: “I might as well spend my savings on these items since little savings are not going to make me rich anyway.”
And you know what happens to your house if you keep on stocking up? You turn your house into a warehouse. There will be clutter everywhere, especially when your house isn’t big enough.
You buy things “on sale,” only if you intend to sell them for a profit and not for your own future consumption. Keeping a reasonable quantity is justifiable.
Be prudent. This is one habit that we need to improve or correct.
If you are making enough or more than enough, keep in mind that it is not how much you make that can make you rich. It is how much you spend and how much you keep.

Some of us have the habit of buying luxuries the moment we have the money or credit line for it. Most rich people, in spite of being rich, buy luxuries last.
With the money you keep, books are some of the best investments. They keep you skillful. They open up new horizons which can lead to creating wealth. The same thing is true with seminars, tapes, and other media related to acquiring financial knowledge.

Make it happen.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Power Of Self Confidence

Why is it that we think we don’t have to continue our self development once we have finished our education? Maybe it is because we equate learning and development with the educational institutions that we have spent so much time in during our early years. Of course, we continue to develop throughout our lives, and continue to gain new skills and attributes throughout our working lives and our lives as partners, parents, grandparents, and our involvement with our communities.

The desire to improve is paramount here. If we get to the point of thinking that we no longer need to improve, we are showing how closed our minds are, and how entrenched our attitudes. This approach to life doesn’t allow for change, and doesn’t allow for development. To be a fully rounded and healthy person, it is necessary to be able to respond to changes in our lives, in our environments and in our hearts and minds.

Rigidity in life will impact not only on ourselves, but on others, and will make our lives difficult when change is necessary or forced upon us.

No-one is perfect, and no-one knows everything there is to know. Thankfully we generally don’t need to know everything, but we do need to know when we need to learn something, and when we need to develop new skills and abilities.

Generally speaking, it helps to have a goal or two in mind to guide our self development program, and to have the right sort of attitude. For example, it’s best not to get too worried about what it is you can’t do, or need to improve. Rather, we should take the knowledge of our shortcomings and examine ways in which we can improve. Worrying will do no good at all. Our energy should be directed to working out exactly what it is we need to do better and how.

Confidence is everything really, and confidence in your ability to learn and improve will make an amazing difference to your success. If you are convinced that you can’t learn something, then you have already lost the battle. If you can tell yourself that if other people can do it, then so can you, this is a sign that you are on the way to success.

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Making the most of yourself means treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. Treat people with respect and you are showing that you are worthy of respect too. So don’t mess people about, do make sure you are on time if you have arranged to meet someone, and do be courteous and pleasant. If you patronize someone or treat them dismissively, they will remember this about you, and this will not be helpful to you should you need at some point to ask them a favor, or if you find that you are employing them.

Once you have given yourself permission to be confident about your abilities, and to hold your head high with others, you can really work on the aspirations for improvement. Make sure you aim high enough. Low level goals are too easy, and don’t test your abilities sufficiently. Aiming too high means you are less likely to meet your target – so maybe you need to set goals that divide up the big task and deal with these one at a time. It is important to make a realistic assessment about how you are going to achieve your goals.

Once you know what you are aiming for, you need to make a sensible plan of how you are going to get there. Plans are essential. Plans allocate time for certain tasks, and break tasks down into manageable proportions. Plans enable you to make the best use of your time, and to develop the skills required to get things done.

It is important to be goal oriented. It is all very well reading up on something, but you need to put theory into practice. For many people, it’s a matter of lots of talk, but not so much action. With everything you do, try and ensure there is a measurable outcome that you can identify as a target, and can be seen to be done.

Don’t let obstacles get in your way. When things get difficult, it’s important that you don’t give up. If we never have to overcome problems on our way, we would find life to be an easy ride. The test is how you overcome problems on the road to achievement and success.

If you consider some of the most successful people in the world today, you will find many of them have had more than one career, and many of them have experienced failure in the first degree and continued on to great future success. This reflects their self belief and determination.

So when things go wrong, learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Never think you know best all the time, and acknowledge that sometimes you do. You should always think it possible to learn something new.

There are various stages in the path to self development. First, you need to take stock of yourself, your life and your dreams. If you don’t have any dreams, or visions of the future, then you need to spend some time working out where you are going in your life, and whether you should be changing anything.

You need to consider carefully whether your attitudes, feelings and beliefs, your behavior and your actions, are quite what you want them to be. Are they going to hinder or help you achieve your goals and desires? Or do you need to take steps to retrain yourself in certain ways, and work towards a healthier, better life management plan?

Self confidence, self belief, a certain amount of modesty, a positive attitude and a serious commitment are all essential elements to self development. Self development involves work, but it is work that will enable you to live your life fully, and give you the satisfaction of making not only your own dreams come true, but helping others to do so too.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Should You Begin A Business?

Are you unsatisfied with your current job? If you are, you may be interested in changing employers. While it is more than possible for you to find, apply for, and be awarded a new job, did you know that is not your only option? Have you ever thought about starting your own business? If this is a thought that has yet to cross your mind, you may want give starting your own business some serious consideration.

As nice as it is to hear that you should examine starting your own business, you may be curious as to which points you should take the time to examine. If you are serious about starting your own business or at least learning if running your own business is something that you are capable of doing, you will want to continue reading on. A few important points that should be taken into consideration by those who are interested in leaving the traditional workplace to start a business are outlined below.

One of the many points that you will want to take into consideration, when looking to start your own business, is the startup costs associated with doing so. There are some businesses that are free to begin (CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST FREE STARTUP BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY) which is a huge advantage and always get my attention, but most cost money to start.

Whether you would like to open up a gift shop or if you would like to sell your professional writing services, it is likely that you will need to make some startup purchases. The startup costs associated with starting your own business will all depend on the opportunities that you choose. Although there is likely to be some variance, it is likely that you will need to purchase a computer, internet service, a business phone, business phone service, a fax machine, a copier, an office desk, and other office furniture. If you have an ideal credit score, you may be able to receive financial assistance to get your business up and running.

Another factor that you need to take into consideration, when looking to determine if you should leave your current job and start your own business is time. Should you be interested in starting your own business, it is important to remember that you will likely not see success right away. Many businesses, no matter what the type, take time to see profits and success. You have to market your business to the general public, set up your online website or your storefront location, and do so much more. That is why it is important that you not only have enough money to get your business up and running, but you will also want to make sure that you also have enough money to support yourself and your family until you are able to start making a profit with your own business.

Another one of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when trying to determine if you should start your own business, is insurance. At your current position, do you have health insurance? If you are married, would you be able to get health insurance through your spouse? If you would be unable to do so, health insurance is something that you will want to take into consideration. Even if your health is fine right now, you never know what could happen, especially if your health insurance is also used to help cover the rest of your family. Should you decide to start your own business, you should be able to purchase insurance for yourself or for the rest of your family. With that in mind, it is important to remember that insurance costs money, quite a bit of money to be exact.

What is nice about starting your own business is that you, literally, have an unlimited number of options. For example, did you know that you can sell a product or a service? Popular startup businesses include gift shops, cleaning services, accounting services, and so forth. In addition to the type of business that you would like to start, you also have a number of different options when it comes to operating a business. Many entrepreneurs run online businesses, storefront businesses, or even both. In all honesty, the decision is yours to make. With that in mind, the decisions that you do make can have a huge impact in determining whether or not your business, should you decide to start one, is a success.

Make it happen.

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Act Rich To Be Rich

Act Rich To Be Rich

In previous blog posts, we have compared the thinking of a poor person to that of a rich one. Initially, we shall explore a few ways on how the rich act in accordance with their thinking and how we can apply these ways to encourage and guide us in doing the same and growing rich in the process.

Always keep in mind that you can attract as much money as you desire by knowing that it is all in the mind. It is what you choose to think, and act upon, that produces the money you want. What you think will be, will be.
What I am about to teach you is a simple yet very powerful way of attracting wealth and prosperity in your life.

First, imagine what life would be like if you are rich. Don’t just see it. Feel it as if you’re already experiencing the luxuries and lifestyle of the rich.
Do you see yourself driving your dream car? What model and color is it? Touch the seat and feel its soft texture. Open the car radio and listen to your favorite music. Experience the joy of driving it towards your favorite place.
Maybe you could visualize a house. How many rooms does it have? Take a relaxing soak in the bath tub. Smell the food aroma coming out from the large kitchen. Play sports in your own private gym.

The important thing here is to believe that you are already rich.

Now doesn’t that feel good? By doing this exercise, you are unleashing the powers of your subconscious and directing it to give you what you’re dreaming of.
But it doesn’t end there. To make this even more effective, breathe slowly while still hanging on to this wonderful feeling of being rich, and say a small thanks to God, or to a Higher Power.

By being grateful, you are commanding the Powers of the Universe to work in your favor. You are confirming that you are graciously accepting your blessings.
Try it out. Believe and feel that you are already wealthy, and be thankful for it.
You should also be ready to take action when Fate, God, The Universal Mind or whatever your preferred name for the Infinite is, places opportunity in front of you to become rich and financially free. Go to to see if this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for and the Infinite has brought your way.
You will be astounded by the results.

Make it happen.

Play for a living! Find out how at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Difference Between Rich And Poor

The Difference Between Rich And Poor

The poor work for money. The rich make money work for them. Literally translated, the poor work to gain money in exchange for their services, to pay for bills and all the other expenses. The rich use money to earn money by investing and/or going into business. They employ the services of other people so they do not necessarily have to be physically present to maintain their business. This gives them more free time to engage in other moneymaking ventures.
The poor think that the love of money is the root of all evil that is why they choose to remain poor. The rich think that the lack of money is the root of all evil, that is why they strive to create wealth.

Say for example, two persons are looking at a yacht, admiring it , just like what happened to me. The person who chooses to remain poor would say: “I can’t afford to buy a yacht.” The person who chooses to find ways to create wealth would say: “What can I do to own a yacht?” The thinking process of the poor on how to make money is automatically shut down. The thinking process of the rich works to determine ways for them to make money, so that they can afford to buy whatever they desire.
The poor and middle class buy their personal things like clothing and household furnishing ready made. The rich buy them made-to-order. Items that are made-to-order are usually more expensive because they are unique or one-of-a-kind, giving the rich more options, choices, and advantages.
The poor would advice their children to study hard so that the children can find a good company to work for when schooling is finished. The rich would advice their children to study hard so that their children can build a good company or find a good company to buy.
The excuse of the poor why they are poor is because they are supporting their families, so expenses are high. The rich are motivated to be wealthy because they are supporting their families, striving to earn more.
A lot of people cringe when it comes to taking risk about money especially the poor. The rich will find ways to control and manage this risk.
On the issue of reaching retirement age, the poor depend on a company or the government taking care of their needs or pension. The rich prefer financial self-reliance.
The poor can afford to save a few dollars. The rich can afford to make investments to increase their wealth.

The poor would compose impressive resumes to find good jobs. The rich would come up with dynamic business plans to create jobs for others.
The poor would say that money does not interest them. The rich would say that money is power.
We can see that there are lots of differences in thinking attitudes between the poor and the rich. Often times, the directions of thinking are opposite each other. How the mind works determines the person. It is unfortunate though that more people choose the easier way to think, which is the way the poor think; hence the higher percentage of people are in the poor and middle class. But there is always the chance to improve, for as long as the mind is willing.
Let me emphasize though that a willing mind to improve oneself, to elevate oneself from being poor to being wealthy, is not enough and will not materialize if it is not coupled with action, the final and most important determinant to turn a poor person into a rich one. Not just any action but intelligent, decisive, fearless action.

Make it happen.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tired Of The Rat Race?

Getting Out Of The Rat Race

The fact that you’re reading this article confirms that you have crossed the line and have taken interest to create wealth, an all-important factor to financial security. Congratulate yourself because your initiative just introduced you to a world out of the “rat race.”

What is the “rat race?”

Every morning, you get up and prepare yourself to go to work - shower, breakfast, get dressed, travel by bus/train or drive your car, work from nine to five, get home to your family and have dinner, watch television or read the papers, then off to bed till the next morning.
You get two to three weeks paid vacation/sick leave each year and occasional overtime work. You get paid by your employer for your services every payday. If you don’t like your job anymore, you find another employer for better pay. Year in, year out, it’s the same routine. You work for somebody else, not for yourself. You focus your efforts in making somebody else richer. That is the “rat race.”
Let me ask you: “If you have ever been an employee or if you are still one, honestly, do you like this feeling?”

I believe you’ll agree that as an employee, your world is confined and limited to certain and specific information only. You hardly have time for other activities. You cannot diversify. And the only solution is to go outside this confinement, into the open, and venture into a wider field.
As an employee, you hardly learn anything new. This limits your knowledge potential, virtually crippling your mind.
Another disadvantage you get for being an employee is that your income is limited. An average employee earning an average salary, if you compute, could hardly put aside a certain amount of money for savings for his/her future use. Even an above average employee who could put aside some savings could hardly have enough for retirement use. It is pointless to compute the savings of below average employees, they are lucky if they don’t get debt-ridden.
All too often, people are trapped in this race that they never bothered to know where they are headed. They only notice it at times when they run short of cash for unexpected expenses or when they realize what will happen to them when they reach retirement age. And still they forget about it and do nothing to improve their lives.
You must realize the need to get out of the “rat race” as early as possible. To achieve this, you need to change your way of thinking - from thoughts of working as an employee for someone else, to thoughts of being in control of your own time and money. This doesn’t mean you have to quit your day job right away. You could spend your free time learning and actually implementing moneymaking activities while still working as an employee. Once you’re financially secured and have enough knowledge on acquiring wealth, that’s the time to get out of the “rat race” and start enjoying your life.
As you will see, creating wealth is making more money in less time, in comparison to what you are presently doing. It is like a graph with the horizontal axis representing time and the vertical axis representing money. The more steep the graph, the better it is.
Once you are out of the “rat race,” you continue to work This time you work for yourself and not for other people. When you work for yourself, it does not mean that you’re being selfish; you’re just being smart. Nobody’s going to look after your financial security except yourself.
The bottom line is this: It is all right to be an employee, but don’t stay as one for long. I’m talking from experience. Better do something about it now.

Go to to find out how get out of the Rat Race once and for all.

Play for a living! Find out how at

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Set Up Your Mind For Wealth

Lottery Winners,

Set Up Your Mind For Wealth

You are what you want to be. Just like you are what you eat, it also follows that you are what you think. If you set your mind to work for somebody as an employee, you will look for a job and you will be satisfied working as an employee. However, if you set your mind properly to attain financial freedom, you will find means of getting wealthy without the pressures and hassles of working for someone else.
It seems that the mindset of many people is almost always pre-occupied with working as an employee that they forget or unintentionally ignore to cross the line, to see how they can create real wealth. Just like a coin, they never bothered to look and to find out how it feels to be on the other side of it
Are you aware that the word “job” fits as an acronym for “just over broke?” And rightfully, the meaning does make sense. Having a job (as an employee) lets you earn just enough to cover your daily expenses. If you lose your job, get laid off, downsized or outsourced, then you're unemployed and so you’re broke. Having a job or working as an employee for somebody means your privileges are limited and confined. Although your income is guaranteed, it is also limited. You see, employers pay just enough so that employees don’t quit. Consequently, employees work hard enough just so they don’t get fired. Subconsciously, if you are an employee, the creative side of your mind is not put to work in full capacity.

You may be making somebody rich but definitely, that somebody is not you. You surrender control of your finances to somebody and you are at his/her mercy. If his/her business go down, you go down with it. If it goes up, it goes up alone. Most likely, you stay as you are. To surrender one’s finances to somebody is like having your future shaped in somebody else’s hand, not on your own.
I’m not saying that employers are bad. They provide jobs and it’s good. I’m just painting a picture of one of life’s realities which we hardly notice at times. If you go to business, you eventually end up as an employer yourself. I’m just opening the financial area of your mind.
Consider this: Palms facing up is receiving, kind of similar to begging. Palms facing down is giving. Employees receive. Employers give. How do you want your palms’ position to be? Reach out and grab opportunity, financial freedom and peace of mind. Visit today and learn how to declare your freedom.

Play For A Living! Learn how at

Why Aren't You Rich Already?

Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming
the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and
emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office
who are engaging in graft and corruption, instead of helping
those in need? Have you lost your job because of layoffs or outsourcing or know someone who has?

We have many implications of who our enemies are; but we have
one common foe who is the main cause of our failures and
misfortunes, and we're not even aware of this opponent.

You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves. The person who stares back at you in the mirror is often the same person holding you back with fears and worries.

Who do you blame when something goes wrong? You blame the people around you, the weather, maybe even God. But we are the ones who are in control of ourselves. We can change the outcome of our lives because we have the capacity to do that.

It is our fear, jealousy, greed, etc. that is ruining our lives.
Some people who never managed to get out of poverty blame the
government or their jobs. But they're too afraid to try out
new ventures that may improve their lives. They half-heartedly
go to work on their 9 to 5 job. Then when the day is done, they
watch TV and go out aimlessly having fun without seriously
thinking of what great opportunity the future has in store for
them, if only they would try to do something different with their

Fear has caused many to remain frigid and to never go out
exploring the wonderful things this world has to offer.
Lots of people would rather stay where they are in an
unsatisfied state than to risk difficulties and obstacles
for the sake of attaining their dreams.

If their lives are not getting any better, they have no else
to blame but themselves.

Jealousy and envy has also caused some relationship problems.
Some people immediately jump to conclusions without first
analyzing the situation. They let their sudden emotions
control their behaviors without even thinking of the
consequences that may result.

If they're having problems with their relationships, they
have no else to blame but themselves.

This goes to show that we decide what will happen to us. Of
course, there are circumstances that are beyond our control,
like natural calamities. But we can still utilize to our best
advantage the things that we have control of.

For instance, you got rejected by your significant other. Some
people would just get cry and feel miserable, thinking that
it's the end of the world. Some will move onwards with their
lives and find the best in what remains with them. See? It's
really up to you. You decide if you want to have a good life
or not.

You failed in your exams? So what? There's another
opportunity. You can just sulk in sorrow or you can study
harder to get a high score in the future. It's up to you.

There's no use crying over spilled milk. You don't have to
get frustrated over your misfortunes. Concentrate on how
you could get better in the future.

If we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we
can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to
become better individuals. Winners would always treat their
dilemmas as opportunities.

It’s true. We can be our worst enemy, but we can also be our own
best friend. It's all up to you! Go to to find out how to begin a new life of financial freedom and peace of mind.

Play for a living! Click here to find out how.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ditch The Day Job

Lottery Winners,

Ditch The Day Job! Are you tired of working for someone else? Have you lost your job or seen people around you lose their jobs? Do you want more control over your life and how much money your earn? You're not alone.

If you're tired of working for others and having jobs sent overseas and left without a job . . . go now to Ditch The Day Job and start making money in your own business.

You can start your own business for FREE at Ditch Your Day Job

After you sign up, you can start making money right away. View the videos tutorials on how the system works and start your financial future today.

Play for a living!